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                              he artistic language of the new MY Super-        lounge, right on the water’s edge. The curvaceous, flowing lines
                              conero 50 metres is inspired by the Liberty      are a stylistic fixture that accompanies guests in all areas of the
                              tradition. When the skill of a shipyard neu-     yacht, where furnishings with soft, curvy shapes are harmonious-
                              tralises the boundary between fine crafts-       ly combined with elegant decorative touches crafted by hand.
                  T manship and art, the result is masterpieces such           With its generous interior spaces and large full-length windows
                  as the MY Superconero 50 metres, set to launch in 2018. In fact,   for constant visual contact with the outside, the MY Supercone-
                  CRN’s well-known ability to personalise the design to suit the   ro 50 metres is a unique yacht that’s perfect for owners who wish
                  owner’s wishes has reached new levels of excellence in accura-  to experience the sea with a feeling of freedom they had never
                  cy and visual impact. The new superyacht, whose name mirrors   felt before. Besides the MY Superconero 50 metres, CRN is cur-
                  the historic “Superconero” of the 1960s, was designed by CRN   rently working on two other yachts: the M/Y CRN 135 79m and
                  in cooperation with StudioZuccon International Project. The   the M/Y CRN 137 62m. The latest to be completed by the ship-
                  studio was responsible for the exterior lines, internal layout as   yard is the 74-metre Cloud 9, an exemplary fusion of functional
                  well as for the interiors which were developed jointly with the   exterior and interior areas and elegantly designed interiors. It
                  CRN’s Interiors & Design Department. The interiors are distin-  was unveiled in a world preview at the last Monaco Yacht Show.
                  guished by a Liberty style which provides continuity to all decks.
                  Liberty style, a taste trend that spread in Italy in the early 20th
                  century and was inspired by models of Art Nouveau, is a skilful
                  artistic touch that turns this already extraordinary yacht into a
                  supreme example of a floating work of art. The MY Supercone-
                  ro is a steel-and-aluminium displacement yacht with a length of
                  50 metres and a beam of 8.6 metres. It falls into the 500 GRT
                  class and incorporates all the important technological and de-
                  sign solutions developed by CRN. These include a balcony that
                  can even be used while cruising; a terrace overlooking the sea
                  which can be opened and enjoyed at anchor; and a beach club
                  at the stern and float-in garage for the tender, which creates a
                  unique setting that includes the beach club itself, thus turning
                  a technical space into a broad living area for guests - a veritable

                  In the bigger picture, a running shot of MY Superconero 50m. Here above, the aft beach club on the lower deck, a magnificent solarium at the water level.
                  On right page, details of MY Superconero 50m. An elegant Liberty style pervades all interiors, across all decks, from the dining area to the main
                  saloon. In the bigger picture, the aft beach club, a designer lounge area at the sea level. Below, the float-in garage for the tender and the elegant VIP cabin.

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