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                            or once, we begin at the end; that is, from dessert.
                            And more, from what remains of a meal. The plate,
                            white and round, is empty, but it emits an intoxicating
                            fragrance, a nostalgic breath of goodness and child-
                  Fhood. Where is it coming from? It is not the first
                  time that cuisine has been embroidered onto absence, em-
                  ulating the silent compositions of John Cage: 4’33’’ pass-
                  ing by without a sound. But in this case it is a game; and
                  the children are the first to understand that the plate
                  must be turned upside down to reveal the gold leaf
                  through which the spoon must be plunged into va-
                  nilla custard flavoured with incense. It is called Faith
                  and it is a manifesto of a dish, very rare and from
                  one of the most skilful chefs in Italy: it means go-
                  ing beyond the senses on the trail of the sens-
                  es, on a quest to discover something that infus-
                  es peace. The charger plate, or rather the sub-
                  text of exuberant and joyful compositions, ap-
                  parently simple and universal, which together
                  with spirituality conceal a technical quotient
                  that is among the most prodigious in world
                  cuisine. Massimiliano Alajmo has long been
                  an enfant prodigé, and is all the more youth-
                  ful with his three stars. But now he resembles
                  a puer senex, able to reconcile the game with
                  depth, and spontaneity with culture, all with
                  wonderful grace, which Von Kleist calls the
                  crossing point of infinite knowledge and the
                  naivety of childhood. In just 25 years, with his
                  brother Raffaele, he has developed a cuisine
                  like no other. A triumph of Italianism in In.gre-
                  dients (the title of his masterpiece, which alludes
                  to everything etymologically related) and on the
                  canvas of his recipes, where he investigates Medi-
                  terranean taste with striking depth, exploiting “par-
                  amolecular” techniques of his own devising, which
                  soar effortlessly towards fantastic outcomes.
                  The appeal is immediate, thanks to comforting recog-
                  nisability and to performances whose playfulness borders
                  on regression, to be touched, bitten and sucked; all the rest
                  a staircase that you can go up and down at will. Even the saf-
                  fron risotto, the subject of a twenty-year metempsychosis, con-
                  ceals its layer of faith, anagogical so to speak. “Because symbolo-
                  gy has always been part of food, even if we have forgotten this late-
                  ly,” comments Alajmo. “The metamorphosis that rice undergoes as it
                  cooks, absorbing three times its own weight in liquid, is fascinating. And

                  The saffron risotto with beetroot sorbet and eel gremolada “carries with it the weight of the
                  earth, because this is a dish that thrusts upwards from below, on the ascending
                  line of the smoke,” explains Alajmo. A little like the meanings of the Scriptures, on the path

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