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                     STRONGER IN THE USA

                                     Ferretti Group starts the time of year announcing

                      the strengthened partnership with Allied Marine and the U.S. debut

                               of magnificent Riva 76’ Bahamas and Ferretti Yachts 780

                                  ore than 150,000 people packed the an-       yachts making their U.S. debuts, the Riva 76’ Bahamas and
                                  nual 58th annual Fort Lauderdale Boat        the Ferretti Yacht 780, were standouts among the thousands
                                  Show last November, fueled by rising         of boats on display. With a 24 meter flybridge, the Ferretti
                                  consumer confidence and upbeat eco-          Yachts 780 is a blend of comfort, style and safety with sleek
                  M nomic outlook in the U.S.  Ferretti Group                  lines and an aerodynamic design. The new layout featuring
                  displayed a magnificent fleet of 18 yachts during the 5-day   an open galley to the salon comes in direct response to cli-
                  show, including models from Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva   ents’ desires. The Riva 76’ Bahamas boasts a Mediterranean
                  and Custom Line ranging from 33 to 92 feet. On opening       style interior on a coupe platform and elegant external lines.
                  day,  Ferretti Group  hosted  a highly attended  press  confer-  It is the second Riva yacht to employ the ‘Convertible Top’
                  ence unveiling the U.S. debuts, new projects underway for    technology, a Ferretti Group exclusive patent. In addition to
                  2018, and announcements on the structure of Ferretti Group   the two U.S. debuts and the yachts on site with Allied Marine,
                  America through an enhanced relationship with Allied Ma-     Ferretti Group presented the following yachts: Ferretti Yachts
                  rine. Bolstered by strong sales throughout the past year, the   450, Ferretti Yachts 550, Ferretti Yachts 650, Ferretti Yachts
                  show proved to be the ideal occasion to make such notable    700 and Ferretti Yachts 850, new Ferretti Yachts 780; Persh-
                  announcements  and  debuts.  Guests  were  welcomed  in  the   ing 5X, Pershing 62, Pershing 70, Pershing 74 and Pershing
                  VIP  Chalet  with  a  selection  of  fine  food  along  with  Cham-  82; Aquariva Super, Rivamare, 76’ Perseo, 88’ Florida and
                  pagne by Pommery and Italian wines from La Scolca. The two   the 88’ Domino Super by Riva; Navetta 28 by Custom Line.

                  Top page, an aerial view of the Ferretti Group booth at the 58th edition of the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. The marvelous fleet on display consisted of 18 yachts
                  between open, coupe, flybridge and maxi yachts ranging from 33 to 92 feet (10-28 metres). Adjoining page, the Ferretti Yachts, Pershing,
                  Riva and Custom Line fleet moored at the Bahia Mar docks. More yachts have been on display at the Fort Lauderdale Showroom, the Group’s USA headquarters.

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