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Above, a freediver is working on pearl oyster farming lines in Rikitea, French   Below, a pearl technician harvests a South Sea pearl from four a year old Pinctada
            Polynesia. The Gambiers are a high place of pearl farming in Polynesia.   maxima oyster in Autore pearl farm at Malaka village, Indonesia. Indonesia
            ©Alexis Rosenfeld/Getty Images                            exported over six tons of pearls in 2020. ©Robertus Pudyanto/Getty Images

                From the district of Marnnes–Oléron come the more  around Rømø and the Limfjord: at low tide, shoals of oysters
            common Fine de Claire.  Also  cultivated  in  France  in  that arrived in the area in the 1980s emerge, and fishermen
            selected farms are those chosen by the Gillardeau family,  can harvest them.
            laser–marked and considered the ‘Dom Perignon’ of oysters     Among the most exclusive, considered among the best
            precisely because  of  the  attention  paid  by  this  Maison  in the world and therefore very expensive, are the oysters
            d’excellence, which has been breeding them for over a   from Bluff, a small maritime resort in New Zealand with
            hundred years.                                            pristine waters. Here, oysters have been fished for over a
                Matured for four years in Bannon Bay in Ireland, the  hundred years only in the summer season, from March to
            Regal variety lives at the mouth of the River Slaney, where  August, in only ten million pieces, to protect their natural
            the fresh water gives it extreme fleshiness. Another rare  habitat. It goes without saying that they sell out immediately.
            and delicious oyster is the Kumamoto, small and with a  The best way to taste them is to attend the annual festival
            sweet, creamy flavor, found only in luxury restaurants. In  that celebrates them. The most expensive by far, however,
            Australia, one must try the Sydney Rock, a gem with a soft  is the Coffin Bay King oyster. It takes seven years to produce
            texture and a sweet note at the end. Then there are wild  and is farmed in southern Australia. It can weigh up to a kilo
            oysters, such as the Danish ones fished in the Wadden Sea  and a single oyster costs up to $100.

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