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The Floating Directory                                                                        Oyster Bars

       Even today, despite the

       fact that consumption

       is not exclusively                                                           LE BERNARDIN

       reserved for the most                                                              & GRAND

       high–end tables, oysters                                                           CENTRAL

       are delicacies for                                                              OYSTER BAR
                                                                                              NEW YORK, USA
       sophisticated palates all                                                      The first, renowned for its three–Michelin–

       over the world, among                                                          starred haute cuisine, offers a selection of
                                                                                       premium oysters from around the world.
                                                                                       The second, in the iconic Grand Central
       the highest expressions                                                         Terminal, also offers a fine selection in a
                                                                                              unique atmosphere.

       of luxury gastronomy.                                                                 le–

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