Page 95 - PROTAGONIST-133
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In the beginning of the 1970s, Italy’s wine  came before us and those that will come after us.
            culture was quite different from what we know  In short, we believe that our mission is to produce
            today, but the foundations were being laid out for  wines that have soul, character, and identity, as well
            an important change. After years during which,  as a strong expression of the variety and geographical
            to recover from the Second World War, farmers  area from which the product originates. It is only
            abandoned the countryside in favor of the city  with these characteristics, clearly combined with
            and many vineyards were left abandoned, wine  likeability, that wine will  continue to be attractive
            production  started  to  once  again  arouse  interest,  and fascinating even for new generations.
            but with new objectives. Milder and more elegant
            wines were produced, and classification systems   You’ve stated that Tignanello is a wine
            based on the inseparable link between wine and its  capable of being ahead of its time: in what way?
            place of origin were born: in 1963, the Controlled   The idea for Tignanello emerged in the 1960s,
            Designation of Origin  [Denominazione di Origine  at a time of profound changes in the agricultural
            Controllata (DOC)] was created, and at the end of the  sector, and is the result of some successful intuitions
            1970s, the Controlled and Guaranteed Designation  that matured after careful research in the vineyard   TIGNANELLO
                                                                                                           Tignanello is produced
            of Origin  [Denominazione di Origine Controllata e  and travels to the world’s main wine-growing areas   exclusively from the
            Garantita (DOCG)].                            by Marquis Piero Antinori and the then oenologist   vineyard of the same
                In this context, some realities stand out for their  Giacomo Tachis, with the support of Émile Peynaud.   name located at Tenuta
            vision, lucidity and for being ahead of their time,  They realized that the Chianti Classico terroir was not   Tignanello on a 57-hectare
                                                                                                           southwest-facing terrain
            and for the continuous commitment to vineyards.   reaching its full potential, and with this in mind, the   of limestone origin with
                This is the case of the Antinori family – wine  first viticultural experiments began in the Tignanello   tufaceous elements, at an
            producers since 1385 – who in 1971 harvested, from  vineyard. Tignanello, which was produced for   elevation between 350
            the hill with the same name in the heart of Chianti  the first time with the 1971 vintage, was the first   and 400 meters above sea
                                                                                                           level, on hilly terrain rich in
            Classico, the first vintage of Tignanello, presented  Sangiovese aged in oak barrels, the first modern red   Alberese and Galestro.
            in 1974. A wine that was to become among the most  wine blended with non-traditional varieties (such as
            influential in Italian wine history; crafted  from a  Cabernet), and among the first red wines produced in
            careful selection of  Sangiovese,  indigenous  grape  Chianti Classico that does not include white grapes.
            variety from Tuscany, and Cabernet harvested  Tignanello was a breakthrough, and contributed to
            from the eponymous vineyard located on Tenuta  the start of the period known as the ‘Renaissance’ of
            Tignanello, in the heart of Chianti Classico, ca. 25  Italian wine. This wine represented a watershed in
            kilometers south of Florence. The label had to be up  the national wine scene and started the now-famous
            to par. And so, designer Silvio Coppola created the  ‘Super Tuscan’ movement. In this sense, it was ahead
            label that, fifty years later, is still used for Tignanello. of its time.
                But it was precisely because the wine industry
            was undergoing great change that Tignanello was   Experimentation    in     the     cellar,
            initially not understood and was classified as a  experimentation in the vineyard: which one do
            ‘table wine’. It only took a few years, however, for  you give more space to? Or do you seek a balance
            the public to realize that they were dealing with  between the two?
            something quite different. Tignanello is one of the   Vineyard and cellar are two mutually     TIGNANELLO 1971
            first wines to be dubbed a ‘Super Tuscan’ by the  complementary areas, one must be in total harmony   Tignanello’s label,
            American press: unconventional Tuscan red wines  with the other and in symbiosis. Our efforts, research   designed by Silvio Coppola
            of exceptional quality. It was the Super Tuscan wines  and investments have always been concentrated in   in 1974 for the release of
            that highlighted the potential of Tuscan viticulture  these two areas, and they are essential if we are to be   the 1971 vintage, includes
                                                                                                           “Te Duce Proficio,” the
            and oenology and also promoted an evolution  able to achieve ever-better quality in all our wines.   historic coat of arms of the
            of DOC and DOCG classifications.  Protagonist  You have to be able to find the balance in every respect   Antinori family, and Niccolò
            discussed this with Renzo Cotarella, CEO and Chief  and in every area, and have a clear style to aim for.   Antinori’s signature. In fact,
            Winemaker at Marchesi Antinori.               Production choices are then a logical consequence.   Marchese Piero Antinori,
                                                                                                           the current Honorary
                                                                                                           President, decided to have
                What does making wine at a time when          Fifty years have passed since the first Tignanello   his father, Niccolò Antinori,
            awareness about quality drinking has increased  vintage  was  released,  and  there  have  been  many   sign the Tignanello label as
            entail? If we consider, for example, the generations  improvements to the vines and the winemaking   a symbol of gratitude for
                                                                                                           the trust shown to him.
            that  meet at the  table  and  come  from  different  process with a view to perfecting it. The wine has   At the bottom of the label,
            relationships with wine drinking.             not  lost  its  innovative  spirit.  As  oenologist  Émile   The ‘sun’ of Tignanello
                For a company like Antinori, making wine  Peynaud liked to say, quoting the words of Oscar   stylized by Silvio Coppola.
            primarily means respecting the generations that  Wilde: “Tradition is successful innovation.”

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