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tied with a large belt which supports buckets full of oysters   at events. Indeed, since it first went into business, Red Oys-
                     and all the required seasonings. During the service, the Som-  ter and its Sommeliers have been in attendance at prestig-
                     meliers offer guests the oysters, shucking them before their   ious locations such as Villa Igiea in Palermo for the Dolce &
                     very eyes whilst explaining the provenance and characteris-  Gabbana High Craftsmanship event, Palazzina G in Venice
                     tics. They also suggest the right seasonings to                          at the 74th Film Festival, Villa d’Este in Cernob-
                     try for each type. For oysters are not a simple   } During service,      bio, Relais San Maurizio in Santo Stefano Bel-
                     product: there are many kinds, each with its   the sommeliers            bo, Hotel Gallia in Milan, and Castello Lanza
                     own specific characteristics.                  serve guests oysters      in Trabia for private events.
                     The flavour changes considerably, depending                              It also attends the Maastricht TEFAF each year
                     on the type chosen, to the point that we can   shucked right             with its Dutch partners. Since 2017, Red Oys-
                     say there are merroirs, in much the same way as   in front of them       ter has also operated in New York in what are
                     there are terroirs for wine. Merroirs which the                          now its third offices, together with those based
                     Red Oyster Sommeliers can explain and describe to perfec-    in Turin and Rotterdam. Oystertainment® will not only sur-
                     tion, leading guests on a tour of an underwater world steeped   prise you and your guests at corporate events and major
                     in flavours, history and surprising taste pairings. Their pres-  trade fairs. It is also available for private events, tailoring its
                     ence never goes unnoticed and instantly attracts attention   proposals to suit the needs of the customer.

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