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                                                            he set of reactions that govern the satisfac-
                                                            tion of libido, which is essential to any per-
                                                            sonality worthy of this name, is a phenom-
                                                            enon of such complexity that it is impossi-
                                                            ble to trace it to merely physiological or
                                                psychological reasons. Rather, neuroscience teaches us
                                                that the human mind, with its dual biological and psychologi-
                                                cal, material and immaterial nature, is the only theatre where
                                                pleasure, like pain, is always consumed. And it is precisely this
                                                essence that the pleasure is composed of, both cerebral and
                                                sensory, that is triggered by Krug, which, in the very concept
                                                of Grande Cuvée, weaves the dense fabric of a blend educating
                                                the palate to an erudite pleasure. The fact that you are read-
                                                ing this article, for example, while only representing a detail
                                                of your conscious life, speaks of an identity, yours, inhabited by
                                                Krug and by other forms of beauty, and it is this very legacy of
                                                identifying elements that has determined, over time, who you

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