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stition. Such as that of the ancient Ainu legend, which holds   sure on the pulp. Not only during the vinification stage, with
                     that the world was created on the spine of an enormous trout   pressing, but before, too, when the grape is still on the vine, it
                     whose movement caused the tides, and, we add, the motions    is pressed between the winemaker’s fingertips. Another pow-
                     of man, who has signed an age-old partnership with the sea   erful suggestion arrives from Domenico Soranno, who admits
                     that has even been fatal at times. It is exactly what binds man   that “the best thing is to connect with the source. Catch it and
                     to wine, of which Bukowski, a sailor in his heart, wrote “find   cook it immediately, and the fish will tell its whole story”. Exact-
                     what you love and let it kill                                                           ly as happens in the wine world
                     you”. Other elements of con-    } Fish has the delicate task of triggering the          and, especially, in the world of
                     tact then emerge during the          suggestions of the sea in an infinite              Krug, which even before be-
                     reading: chef Olivier Deboi-                                                            ing a Champagne, is a com-
                     se Méndez, the Krug Ambassa-      motion that makes us feel perfectly alive             plex wine, as we saw at Lango-
                     dor to Mexico in his J&G Grill,                                                         steria Paraggi during the first
                     says that the secret of fish lies in the touch: fingertips learn to   of the Krug Encounters. It is not, let it be clear from the out-
                     know its volumes, lines and thicknesses by touching it, and al-  set, a simple wine. In particular, Krug Grande Cuvée 166ème
                     lowing its consistency, which is also its value, to express itself   Édition is traversed by a levity that echoes throughout the ir-
                     in so doing. The whole world of wine, and the grape world be-  idescent and protean world of the sea, of the irretive and im-
                     fore that, share with this ingredient the importance of pres-  mersive levitation that requires the dimension of water, where

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