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                  are. In other words, those who read well and drink well, also   fish has the task of triggering all the suggestions of the sea,
                  think well. It is a process of civilisation that has perpetuated the   and with them, of opening new perspectives, from a theoreti-
                  course of human evolution, producing artefacts at the service   cal and an empirical point of view. This is the meaning of the
                  of man and for man, with the ultimate aim of ‘pursuing virtue   precious publications accompanying all the editions of Krug
                  and knowledge’, to paraphrase Dante, as the artisan does even   x and of this Krug x Fish - A Sea of Stories, a ship’s log of evoc-
                  before the artist, be they a wine producer or, in our specific   ative images taken by Les Others, which the Maison entrust-
                  case, a fisherman. Krug knows                                                             ed to the pen and the imag-
                  this well, and since 2015 has                                                             ination of Lindsey Tramuta,
                  built ties with the craft world,   Below, between the pages, from left, chefs and fishermen together;   a bubbly American writer liv-
                                                        the Majorcan village of Cala Figuera; the salute to the
                  renewing them annually with     Mediterranean from Californian chef Michael Cimarusti. Other page, on the   ing in Paris. Among the many
                  a wealth of worldwide encoun-      right, Robin Zavou, of The Krug Room in Hong Kong, casts his net.   merits of this edition is its cel-
                  ters dedicated knowingly and                                                              ebration of the virtuous circle
                  hedonistically to its ‘ingredient x’. It all began with the hum-  of humanity investigating the satisfaction (also of the libido)
                  ble potato (in 2015), then moved to the germinal faculties of   that follows the exquisitely crafted effort of a night’s fishing off
                  egg and mushroom (in 2016 and 2017) and now culminates       the port of Cala Figuera, Majorca. The experience created by
                  with the iridescent world of the sea and its fruits: with fish the   Krug restores the taste for the craftsman’s work, for the chef as
                  totemic ingredient of this tale. In concert with the Maison,   fisherman, bringing mastery and ritual, and even some super-

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